Q: why is it called the tour guides?
A: for everyone who is familiar with Club Penguin I was giving tours. the first thing I did when somebody asked me for a tour I would tell them about the the last stop for every one, heaven or hell. so thats when i got the idea to make this website. and when your on a tour you get to chose to go in to on of the shops, like the tour of life we go through. we get to chose if if wan't to go in to one of the shops of the world or a church building.
Q: why did you use the background of a globe?
A: that is because mark 16:15 says: And he said to them, "go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
so the globe seemed to be appropriate.
Q:why do you share your faith?
A: the answer is in the same verse thats above mark 16:15 it says: And he said to them, "go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. so that is why I think it is inportant to share our faith.
any more questions? email me at: thetourguides@gmail.com
this is a website for anybody who likes to tell others about Jesus but does not know how to or wants new technique of doing it.
more pages
these are a few pages that did not show up above
cool websites, songs,Questions and answers,why tell other the gospel? I'm just to afraid.
cool websites, songs,Questions and answers,why tell other the gospel? I'm just to afraid.
if you are not a christian or don't know what a christian is you should click here. if you think you are a christianclick here to test yourself. if you think your good enough you should click here.